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The Alignment Technique for teachers and students

Multitasking, choice stress and social media cause increasing time pressure on students and teachers. That takes its toll. The Alignment Technique teaches them to handle the increasing flow of information in a new way.



Multitasking, decision-making, stress & social media concerns are creating increased pressure for students & teachers.  The consequences being that in much less time, much more must be accomplished.  A toll is being felt.  Everyday, adults & children are spending on average 8 hours & 45 minutes using a screen.  Our ability to remain focused and stay concentrated is quickly diminishing.

A growing number of students & teachers are continuously busy in their minds.  They are ignoring their bodies.  Freedom & flexibility are a utopia in their daily lives.  Everyday, adults are using some kind of screen for close to 9 hours and therefore, experience having less & less time for yourself & others.


Trainingsmogelijkheden :

  • Voor docenten: kennismaking met The Alignment Technique + leren praktisch toe te passen.
  • Klas: sessie met Leerlingen en Docent.
  • Leerling:  Individuele training  (bijvoorbeeld in relatie tot gepest worden).
  • Docent: Individuele training (bijvoorbeeld ondersteuning bij klassen management of stimulering natuurlijke groepsdynamiek).
  • Op maat gesneden trainingen: Er zijn oneindig veel mogelijkheden die we graag met je bespreken om tot een gezamenlijke gewenste aanpak te komen.

Today, this applies as well to education.  Our team has a dream:  that children in a healthy & relaxed manner are capable of handling today’s challenges.  By using new technologies in conjunction with taking advantage of the unlimited possibilities The Alignment Technique (TAT) offer.

Ultimately, teachers can better support their students, to use not only their minds but listen to their bodies.  In minutes, our practical short exercises “MOVES” & “QUICKIES” offer immediate impact, to circumstances taking place in lives.  Our experience shows that children, pickup easily & intuitively, the “MOVES” & “QUICKIES” from The Alignment Technique (TAT).  Children quickly recognize which“MOVES” & “QUICKIES”, work best for themselves.

The Alignment Technique (TAT) is an open system that develops dynamically, while people practice it.  In this way, positive affects are experienced through mutual trust. Victims of bullying or harassment are helped through use of The Alignment Technique (TAT).  When practiced together, the “MOVES” potential help create new approaches.  By using The Alignment Technique (TAT) a greater level of consciousness develops between teachers & students, creating more opportunity for collaboration.  Both teachers & students become aware of the others potential, as they use of The Alignment Technique (TAT).


Teachers learn The Alignment Technique (TAT) & how to apply best practices.

Class Sessions with students & teachers:

School Session:

Student: Individual Anti Bully training

Teacher:  Individual training enhancing class management & stimulating natural group dynamics

Customized training: Endless possibilities to find the right solutions

Please, E-mail us at

We look forward to connecting with you, to make this happen.